Experience the Village Life

Experience the Village Life
Hatare Marine park

Thursday, July 26, 2012


Contact us @ Hatare Marine Park

Name:   Ella Tracy Wairiu              

 Phone:  (677) 7425641                                       
Emails: eltee_91@hotmail.com       

Hatare Marine Park

Photos        Facebook Page       Activities     Location   Contacts


Activities in Hatare Marine Park

  • Go snorkelling and diving! –
  • watch colourful corals and
  • invertebrates in their natural habitat
  • Go exploring! - beach walks & canoeing in local dugouts
  • Go learning! – visit traditional sites, for customs & history, visit local marine protected area.
  •  Go cooking! – help cook with a traditional umu (stone oven cooking) with villagers 
or just relax… 
  • be entertained by cultural dancing and traditional bamboo music
  •  BBQ and picnic on the white sand under coconut palms  just be part of various community activities


Hatare Marine Park is located in East Guadalcanal, in the Marau Sound area (refer to the diagram below). Guadalcanal is one of the large Islands in the Solomon Islands where the Capital of SI is, Honiara.